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                                    i.            General Chemical Properties of Non Metals
§  Explain the oxidizing properties of non-metals
§  Describe the displacement of non-metals by another non-metal from a compound
                                  ii.            Chlorine
§  Describe the chemical properties of chlorine
§  Explain the uses of chlorine
                               iii.            Hydrogen Chloride
§  Prepare a dry sample of hydrogen chloride gas
§  Explain the properties of hydrogen chloride gas
§  Explain the uses of hydrogen chloride
                                iv.            Sulphur
§  Describe the extraction of sulphur from natural deposits
§  Explain the properties of sulphur
§  Explain the uses of sulphur
                                  v.            Sulphur Dioxide
§  Describe the properties of sulphur dioxide
§  Explain the uses and hazards of sulphur dioxide
                                vi.            Sulphuric Acid
§  Describe the contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid
§  Explain the properties of sulphuric acid
§  Explain the uses of sulphuric acid
                             vii.            Nitrogen
§  Prepare a sample of nitrogen in the laboratory
§  Explain the uses of nitrogen
                           viii.            Ammonia
§  Prepare a dry sample of ammonia gas in the laboratory
§  Describe the properties of ammonia
§  Explain the Uses of Ammonia
                                ix.            Carbon
§  Name the forms in which carbon exists
§  Describe allotropic forms of carbon
                                  x.            Carbon Dioxide
§  Prepare a dry sample of carbon dioxide gas in the laboratory
§  Analyse the properties of carbon dioxide
§  Explain the uses of carbon dioxide
                                    i.            Introduction to Organic Chemistry
§  Distinguish organic from inorganic chemistry
§  Explain the importance of organic chemistry in life
§  Explain the origin of organic compounds
§  Describe the fractional distillation of crude oil
                                  ii.            Hydrocarbons
§  Classify the three families of hydrocarbons
§  Write the homologous series of the three families of hydrocarbons
§  Explain the concept of isomerism
§  Write structural formulae of all isomers of hydrocarbons up to five carbon atoms
§  Name the isomers of hydrocarbons up to five carbon atoms
§  Apply a general formula to identify the families of hydrocarbons
                               iii.            Properties of Hydrocarbons
§  Explain the physical properties of lower hydrocarbons; alkanes, alkenes and alkynes
§  Explain the concept of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
§  Compare the chemical properties of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes
                                iv.            Alcohols
§  Prepare ethanol in the laboratory
§  Write the homology of alcohols up to five carbon atoms
§  Write structure of all isomers of saturated alcohols up to five carbon atoms
§  Name all isomers of alcohols up to five carbon atoms
§  Describe the properties of alcohol
§  Explain the uses of alcohol
§  Explain the harmful effects of alcohols
                                  v.            Carboxylic Acids
§  Identify natural sources of organic acids
§  Explain the oxidation of ethanol to ethanoic acid
§  Write the structures of the homologues of carboxylic acids up to five carbon atoms
§  Name the isomers of carboxylic acids up to five carbon atoms
§  Explain the properties of carboxylic acids
§  Prepare soap from animal fats or vegetable oil
3.    Soil Chemistry
                                    i.            Soil Formation
§  Describe soil formation
§  Describe the factors influencing soil formation
                                  ii.            Soil Reaction
§  Explain the concept of soil reaction
§  Measure the pH of a given soil sample
§  Manage the soil pH by using different liming materials
                               iii.            Plant Nutrients in The Soil
§  Categorize the essential plant nutrients
§  Explain the functions of each of the primary macronutrients in plant growth
§  Prepare plant nutrient cultures in the laboratory
§  Manage the loss of plant nutrients from the soil
                                iv.            Manures and Fertilizers
§  Prepare heap and pit compost manure
§  Explain the advantages and disadvantages of natural manures
§  Mention types of synthetic fertilisers used in Tanzania
§  Explain the concept of fertiliser grades and analysis
§  Identify methods of fertilizer application
§  Explain the advantages and disadvantages of artificial fertilizers as compared to natural manures
                                  v.            Soil Fertility and Productivity
§  Explain the concept of soil fertility and soil productivity
§  Differentiate soil fertility form soil productivity
§  Explain the factors which determine fertility and productivity of the soil
§  Explain the causes of loss in soil fertility
4.    Pollution
                                    i.            Concept of Pollution
§  Explain the concept of pollution
                                  ii.            Terrestrial Pollution
§  Explain the concept of terrestrial pollution
§  Identify human activities which cause terrestrial pollution
§  Identify hazards caused by terrestrial pollution
§  Suggest different methods of preventing terrestrial pollution
                               iii.            Aquatic Pollution
§  Explain the concept of aquatic pollution
§  Identify human activities which cause water pollution
§  Identify the hazards which are caused by water pollution
§  Suggest ways of preventing water pollution
                                iv.            Aerial Pollution
§  Explain the concept of aerial pollution
§  Identify human activities which cause aerial pollution
§  Identify hazards caused by aerial pollution
§  Suggest different methods of preventing air pollution
§  Identify safety measures to protect industrial workers from gaseous pollution
                                  v.            Environmental Conservation
§  Explain the meaning of environmental conservation
§  Demonstrate right attitudes, values,and behaviours towards environmental conservation
                                vi.            Global Warming
§  Explain the global warming in terms of ‘green house’ effect
§  Describe how the major “greenhouse” gases are produced
§  Describe climatic conditions caused by global warming
§  Suggest ways of preventing global warming
                             vii.            Ozone Layer Destruction
§  Explain the meaning of ozone layer and its importance of to life on earth
§  Identify chemical substances which destroy the ozone layer
§  Suggest methods of protecting the ozone layer
                                    i.            The Concept of Qualitative Analysis
§  Explain the meaning of qualitative analysis
§  State the importance of qualitative analysis in real life
                                  ii.            Qualitative Analysis Procedures
§  Use special apparatus for qualitative analysis
§  Carry out preliminary test on an unknown sample
§  Prepare stock solutions from soluble and insoluble salts
§  Precipitate insoluble salts from their solutions
§  Confirm cations and anions identified